Over 440,000 Ethereum tilføjet til flydende satsede derivater på to uger

In less than two weeks, den samlede værdi låst (TVL) in liquid staking derivatives has increased by 441,110 æter, worth roughly $793 million. While Lido Finance dominates the market with 74.35% of the TVL, competing liquid staking protocols Rocket Pool and

At bryde barriererne for traditionel bankvirksomhed med digitale aktiver

Another one bites the dust! The banking industry in the United States is in trouble, and regional banks are feeling the squeeze. A number of banks have failed recently due to mismanagement, poor risk management, and other factors which are leading

Binance lancerer ether-baseret væskeindsatsprodukt WBETH til rivaliserende væskeindsatskonkurrenter

In an announcement made on April 24, Binance, the cryptocurrency exchange with the largest trade volume, unveiled its latest staking product, wrapped beacon eth (WBETH). This new addition to Binances staking solutions is built on the Ethereum network, joining the ranks

Liquid Staking Protocols Se stigning i månedlige ETH-indskud på trods af udbetalinger Post-Shapella Hard Fork

Following the Shapella hard fork on April 12, 2023, approximately 332,368 æter, valued at around $699 million, has been withdrawn. Despite these withdrawals, liquid staking protocols like Lido, Rocketpool, and others have experienced an increase in ether deposits over the last

Værdi låst i Defi holder linjen på $50 mia, Efter midlertidigt at tabe $8 mia. i midten af ​​marts

The total value locked (TVL) i decentral økonomi (defi) during the first week of April is about $50 milliard, roughly the same as on March 1. The value locked dropped to $42 billion on March 12 but has since rebounded as

SEC i en pickle: Cryptos Tricky Trio skaber problemer 2023

2023 is shaping up to be a painful year for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) as it finds itself entangled in battles with the ever-evolving and innovative cryptocurrency industry. From Ripple to Coinbase and Tron, the SEC faces fierce

FBI advarer om svindel med kryptovaluta-tyveri ved brug af spil for at tjene penge

The FBI has issued a public service announcement (PSA) warning on the utilization of play-to-earn games as part of a scheme to defraud users of funds stored in the form of cryptocurrency. Criminals are introducing victims to this kind of game

Warren Buffett-støttet Neobank Nubank lancerer Nucoin i egen valuta

Warren Buffett-støttet Nubank, en Brasilien-baseret neobank, der debuterede kryptohandelsmuligheder tilbage i maj 2022 på sin platform, har annonceret lanceringen af ​​nucoin, sin egen kryptovaluta. En del af den første batch af valutaen, udstedt oven på Polygons netværk,…

Kraken CEO: Regulatorer lader skurke blive store og sprænge i luften for at tjene deres dagsorden

The CEO of crypto exchange Kraken, Jesse Powell, says U.S. regulatorer “let the bad guys get big and blow up because it serves their agenda.The executive explained: “Bad guys operate with huge competitive advantages. They suck up users, indtægter, og…

Metaverse, Fonden vil søge indledende investeringer i virksomheder og protokoller i tidlige stadier, der starter ved 500.000 USD og op til, og Liquid Staking Tokens Leder år-til-dato kryptoaktivgevinster blandt top 125

I 2023, the leading crypto assets, such as bitcoin and ethereum, have captured decent gains. Bitcoin has increased 17.2% over the last 30 dage, and ethereum has risen 9.3% in the same timeframe. Imidlertid, year-to-date statistics show that bitcoin is down